Misson Conservation Area
Misson Article 4(1) Direction - 16th August 2018
The links to the relevant documents on the Bassetlaw District Council Website are below.
Representations may be made concerning the Article 4(1) Direction between the 16th August 2018 and the 28th September 2018. If you wish to make representations*, you may do so by email to michael.tagg@bassetlaw.gov.uk or by post to Conservation Team, Planning Services, Bassetlaw District Council, Queens Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2AH.
The Article 4(1) Direction would come into force, subject to confirmation by the Council, on the 7th November 2018.
* Any personal information would be treated confidentially and would be used only for the purposes of the Article 4(1) Direction consultation process. Once the Direction has been decided, all personal information would be destroyed.

Misson Conservation Area
Following a full review of the historic and architectural significance of Misson village, approval of the Misson Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan and having regard to extensive public consultation undertaken in June-July 2017, a new Conservation Area for Misson was designated at a meeting of the Planning Committee of Bassetlaw District Council on September 13th 2017.
A copy of the notification letter and details of the Conservation Area are attached.
All properties within the new Conservation Area were informed of this decision by letter from the Conservation Officer which was personally delivered by mail drop by Parish Councillors to the residences concerned.
Consultation of Draft Appraisal and Management Plan
As required by Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the Council has assessed the special architectural and historic interest of the village of Misson with regard to designating a Conservation Area. Following on from extensive public consultation carried out during 2015, the council has drawn up proposals for a Conservation Area for the historic core of Misson.
The proposed Conservation Area has been assessed in detail, the results of which are set out in a draft Conservation Area Appraisal (available below). The document sets out what is special about the proposed Conservation Area and advises on the historic development, architectural styles, key landscape and public realm features and the key views. The appraisal also includes a draft management plan, which sets out proposals for the future management of the proposed Conservation Area.
The Draft Conservation Area and Appraisal and Management Plan and Proposed Misson Conservation Area document is attached below.
Please follow this link to view the Misson Conservation Appraisal document: https://data.bassetlaw.gov.uk/media/7681/finalmissoncaampsept2017.pdf